In addition
to Web design and multimedia projects, we have spent time creating
a series of Web design text books for Thompson Publishing.
We are very proud to announce that the New
Perspectives on Dreamweaver MX series has done very well and that the newest book; Dreamweaver MX 2004 is following the same path.
Because the books have generated so much attention, we have been asked to do a good deal of public speaking. In response we have developed lectures and training seminars that cover a variety Web-related topics. Lectures have been created to appeal to a variety of audiences, from the business community, to industry professionals and, upon request can be tailored to your specific needs. Please contact us with specific questions.
The definitive, comprehensive classroom guide to Dreamweaver MX 2004, this book offers a case-based, problem-solving approach for learning to create Websites. All cases were developed by professional artists and Web designers to provide interesting, realistic projects, extensive end of chapter material and exercises to reinforce learning. In addition to teaching student how use Dreamweaver, the book covers all of the fundamental elements of Web design including planning, aesthetic design concepts, information architecture, database integration and so forth. Each chapter also enables students to explores the underlying HTML and technical elements that are applicable for the section. Additional information can be found on the Course Technology site.
This lecture provided tips and strategies for overcoming the inherent problems associated with large scale multimedia productions. Topics discussed include: strategic planning, problem solving, R&D, integrating technologies intelligently, project management and bug testing.
This book provides an overview of the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for employment in the user support industry. Developed with the input of industry advisors, this titles emphasizes problem-solving and communication skills in addition to technical coverage.
NU Design acted as an industry expert for this book in the area of user needs analysis and assessment and worked with the author to develop a real client experience into a case study for the book. Information about this book is available at the Course Technology Website.
How does virtuality affect reality? Mitch Geller joins 13 other experts to consider this question from the perspective of law, architecture, rhetoric, philosophy, and art. Nearly all of the contributors have been online since before Netscape and a graphical World Wide Web. They have a thorough understanding of the cultural shifts the Internet has produced and been affected by, and they have a keen appreciation for the potential of the medium. Most scholarship on cyberculture has repeatedly emphasized that our offline selves determine how we are able to use technology, that real life affects what we do online. This volume is an attempt to reverse that discussion, to demonstrate that how we live online affects our lives offline as well. A virtual public is not an unreal one.
This book offers a case-based, problem-solving approach for learning to create Web pages with Macromedia's popular Dreamweaver software. All cases were developed by professional artists and Web designers to provide interesting, realistic projects, extensive end of chapter material and exercises to reinforce learning. In addition to teaching the student how use Dreamweaver, the book covers all of the fundamental elements of Web design including planning, aesthetic design concepts, information architecture and so forth. Each chapter also includes a section in which the student explores the underlying HTML and technical elements that are applicable for the section. Additional information as well as online ordering and a desk copy request form can be found on the Course Technology Website.
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